Les 3 - Operating systems
Hoe operating systems werken en hoe je code wordt uitgevoerd.
There are a lot of operating systems, but there are a few big ones:
- Windows
- Linux / Linux-based distros
- Ubuntu
- Android
- MacOS
- iOS
- Solaris
- Etc.
We need the OS to give us:
- Top down view (from the software)
- Provide abstractions to application programs of how the hardware is working. This makes it easier for the programmer to interact with the computer.
- Bottom up view (from the hardware)
- Manage pieces of complex systems.
- Alternative view
- Provide orderly, controlled allocation of resources.
Interfaces inside of an Operating system:
- API:
- Aplication programming interface (offered from a service or a library. Can also be from the OS itself)
- ISA:
- Instruction set architecture.
This is a general structure and can differ depending on what OS you are using.
Everything an OS does:
- Manages the resources
- process management
- memory management
- File/resources management
- Offer an interface for all the functionalities that can be used in the Operating system.
- Run programs without the programmer having to handle all the hardware as well.
- Respond and manage interrupts on the lowest level. Interrupt handling:
- Handling: timers, new hardware discovered, memory full, input device triggered.
- Interrupts:
- Interrupt the current operation.
- Make the kernel save the current state.
- Make the kernel execute the instruction needed.
- Go back to normal restoring privileges and memory.
System calls:
- Process management
- Create process, terminate process
- File management
- Open file, close, create, write, etc.
- Directory and file-system management
- Create directory, delete directory, mount file system, etc.
- Miscellaneous
- Change working directory, get elapsed time, send signal.
System calls provide the interface between a process and an operating system. A system call is how a process requests a service from a kernel that it does not normally have permission to run.
- Creating space in memory
- creating directories
- etc.
Every operating system uses its own system calls.
POSIX Family of standards for compatibility between operating systems. This will define a command line interface based on the programming interface. Almost all OS’s use POSIX.
- POSIX defines how you make a thread, a process and almost everything else.
- Threads are handled the same way in POSIX OS’s.
- CLI’s contain all the necessary tools to perform the tasks.
- All operatings systems have a system like POSIX even though not all operating systems use POSIX.
We will do this with a kernel.
- Core of the OS and thereby handles almost everything in the OS.
- It manages the modalities of execution:
- User mode
- Kernel mode
Kernel Structures
- Monolithic
- Single structure (Compact in size)
- Less software switching and calling.
- All OS services run within the main kernel thread, also residing in the same memory area.
- Difficult to maintain
- Difficult to debug
- Not portable
- Microkernel
- As less as possible in the kernel.
- Lot of modules
- Client server relation (They call each other and wait)
- Maintenance is easier
- Kernel is very complex
- In kernel mode only the skeleton of the structures. This will reduce bugs and possible critical errors.
- The kernel gets all the interrupts and calls the right module to operate these.
- Virtual machine
- Allow to abstract the processes dependency on the machine (emulation)
- The hypervisor is a virtual machine process that handles who is accessing what
- Makes sure that the Guest OS cant access the hardware directly.
- Give protecting to the Host OS
- Handle all the calls and processes.
- Type 1
- Run the operating without the abstraction of the machine.
- Simulator
- Emulate the whole virtual machine.
- Type 2
- Use the host operating system as a kernel for better performance.
- Most VM programs use this method as it has the best performance and absytraction.
- Makes sure that the Guest OS cant access the hardware directly.
- Compiled
- C/C++, Fortran, obj-c, assembly etc.
- Follow the whole procedure
- Just in time compilers (JIT):
- C#
- Compiles into an intermediate language which is then compiled at runtime and executed in the machine in its evironment.
- JIT: Programs are compiles in a language at the moment of being executed, only at that point.
- C/C++, Fortran, obj-c, assembly etc.
- Preprocessor:
- Takes source code and makes intermediate translations that prepare the file.
- Compiler:
- Translate the preprocessed language into a language. (Assembly)
- Assembler:
- Translate from assembly into object code. (Hardware binary language)
- Linker:
- Takes each file at its binary level and liks them together into one.
- Reads headers that tells the linker to link to required external libraries.
- Arranging the objects in a program’s address space.
- This can involve relocating code that assumes a specific base address to another base.
- Relocate machine code mat involve retargeting of absolute jumps, loads and stores.
- Interpreted
- Generate bytecode:
- Python, Java, etc.
- Java uses a virtual machine, it is compiled to bytecode but is not a compiled language, because there is no machine language.
- Scripted
- Bash, PHP, perl etc.
- A language which performs operations that can be done by a human one by one.
- Generate bytecode:
- Python is an interpreted language
- Internally, almost completely hidden from us, Python first compiles the source code (the statements in your file) into a format known as byte code.
- Compilation is simply a translation step, and byte code is a lower-level, and platform-independent, representation of source code.
- Each of the source statements is translated into a group of byte code instructions. This byte code translation is performed to speed execution
- Byte code can be run much quicker than the original source code statements.
- Byte code is stored in files that end with a .pyc extension (“.pyc” means compiled “.py”).
- The byte code can be written on the disk or just kept in memory, then executed.
- The interpreter might evolve in a JIT (just in time) compiler, and it becomes difficult to distinguish from a compiled language.
All the languages hook up to API’s and system calls from the OS.